The IRCR – Indoor RC Romand – is a non-profit association whose motivation is to organize indoor electric R/C cars events. Founded in 2021, it brings together members wishing to get involved in the organization of races, training and initiation around our hobby. Its headquarters are in Savigny, in the canton of Vaud.
This association is open to all people wishing to participate in the social life of the club and its events: becoming a member therefore allows you to support and participate in activities. You can also support us by making a donation with the link below.
Rights and duties of members
The main rights are:
- One vote at general meetings, two months after payment of the first membership fee.
- Right of eligibility to the committee, two years after joining the club.
- Regular participation in meetings organized by the committee.
The fundamental duties are:
- Each member present at a race organized by the club may be asked to provide assistance for the smooth running of the race.
- Each member is required to maintain the good reputation of the club and to adopt a “fair play” behavior during the races in which he participates.
- Each member must hold Civil Liability insurance (or equivalent) covering him in the event of an accident.
Club statutes
You can find the complete statutes of the associations with the file below.
The file is for information only, only the latest version of the statutes is valid.